Saturday, January 10, 2009


Thessaloniki Court: Acquits Esphigmenou Monks

The Third Court of Appeals in Thessaloniki, Greece announced their decision and found no evidence that the Esphigmenou Monks were guilty of the charge of disturbing the peace. The incident took place back in 2005. Some of the incident was video taped by the Esphigmenou Monks, and it clearly shows a violent attack perpetrated "on them" and "not by them". The sinister attack on the monks of Esphigmenou with a sledgehammer made news around the world and video of it (see below) aired showing the shocking details. It was clearly an embarrassment for not only the Greek Government and Patriarch Bartholomew but also all those who opposed Esphigmenou. The over zealous prosecutor in Thessalonki, however, thought it a good idea to pursue charges. No charges shockingly enough were ever brought upon the sledgehammer wielding monks outside but only to the defenseless Esphigmenou monks held up behind the locked wooden door.

Esphigmenou building being attacked with sledgehammers by imposter monks of Patriarch Bartholomew

August 19 2008 update

Who to Call/Fax:

From the US, first dial 011-30-23770 then the below numbers

From Europe dial 00-30-23770 then the below numbers


Dionysiou 23687 23686

Pantokratoros 23253 23685

St. Paul's 23250 23355

Simonopetra 23254 23707

Xeropotamou 23251 23733

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