Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Missing x86 assembler languages commands,read carefully!!!!

Al Cmds

Forgotten Assembly Language Commands

ARG Agree to run garbage
BBT Branch on binary tree
BBW Branch both ways
BEW Branch either way
BH Branch and hang
BMR Branch multiple registers
BOB Branch on bug
BOD Beat on drum
BOI Byte operator immediately
BPDI Be polite, don't interrupt
BPO Branch on power off
BST Backspace and stretch tape
CEMU Close eyes and monkey with user space
CLBR Clobber register
CLBRI Clobber register immediately
CM Circulate memory
CPAR Crumple paper and rip
CRB Crash and burn
CRR Convert to Roman Numerals
CU Convert to unary
CZZC Convert zone to ZIP code
DC Divide and conquer
DWIMNWIS Do what I mean, not what I say
DMPK Destroy memory protect key
DNPG Do not pass go
DO Divide and overflow
EIOC Execute invalid opcode
EMPC Emulate pocket calculator
EPI Execute programmer immediately
EROS Erase read-only storage
EXOP Execute operator
EXPP Execute political prisoner
FSRA Forms skip and run away
GFD Go forth and divide
GFM Go forth and multiply
HCF Halt and catch fire
IBP Insert bug and proceed
IIB Ignore inquiry and branch
LCC Load and clear core
MBF Multiply and be fruitful
MLR Move and lose record
PBC Print and break chain
PD Play dead
PDSK Punch disk
PI Punch invalid
POPI Punch operator immediately
PS* Punch obscenity
PSD Pause and smoke dope
PVLC Punch variable length card
RAT Random Access Tape
RD Reverse directions
RDS Read sideways
RIRG Read inter-record gap
RPM Read programmer's mind
RSC Read and shred card
RSD On read error self destruct
RSTOM Read from store-only memory
RWCR Rewind card reader
SDJ Send data to Japan
SHAB Shift a bit
SHLBM Shift a little bit more
SMR Skip on meaningless result
SOT Sit on a tack
SQSW Scramble program status word
SQPC Sit quietly and play with your crayons
SRSD Seek record and scar disk
SRZ Subtract and reset to zero
SSJ Select stacker and jam
STROM Store in read-only memory
TDB Transfer and drop bits
UER Update and erase record
WBT Water binary tree
WEMG Write eighteen-minute gap
WPM Write programmer's mind
XSP Execute systems programmer
ZAM Zero all memory

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